Making New Contacts for Lead Generation

Making New Contacts

Taking a Step towards Lead Generation

Making new contacts isn't easy, but it is vital. The likelihood of doing business with people we do not know is remote! You are invisible and your product is invisible!

There are only 2 groups in business:

  • those we already do business with, and
  • those with whom we wish to do business.

Making new contacts can be done in two ways, one easy, the other harder.

The easy way, and the most effective form of networking, is persuading people in the 1st group (those you already do business with) to introduce us to the 2nd group (those you'd like to meet). If you have good clients, this will be the best and most frequent way of making new contacts.

If that does not happen as often as you would like, then there is another way. It's hard, it's uncomfortable and it can be scary but it must be done! You have to be proactive and must take the first step:

Making new contacts involves someone introducing you, or you introducing yourself "Are you making new contacts at every event?", asks Will Kintish

Article 5 of 10 in the
Lead Generation Techniques Series

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"Hello, may I join you? My name is Mary and you are?"

"I'm John".

"Hello John, nice to meet you, how did you get to be invited here"?

Greeting a nervous person standing on his or her own will ensure that you become an instant favourite. Networking doesn't work when people wait and expect others to make the first move.

Consider your own approach:

When you go to networking events, do you:

Wait for other people to approach you?
Recognise that other people are also waiting to be approached, take the initiative, and introduce yourself.

When you make such an approach, the next thing to consider is:

making a good first impression

(c) 2005 Will Kintish

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