Myers Briggs workshops
We can provide introductory, team building or influencing skills workshops based on Myers Briggs theory. Cost is typically £1,500 for up to 20 people.
Introductory workshop
The introductory workshop (one day) can be tailored to your requirements, but normally includes:- Introductions
- Magic Eye exercise
- Introduction to the questionnaire
- Attendees complete and score their own questionnaires
- E/I exercise (discussion or activity)
- S/N exercise
- T/F exercise
- J/P exercise
- Typespotting of famous people or others
- Review of own personality types
- Conclusions
Team Building
Team Building workshops often follow the same format above, and have additional elements that are tailored to the team. Each workshop needs to be planned for your particular situation, therefore.Influencing Skills
Influencing Skills workshops are normally two days. They include the introductory workshop, plus the following elements (mostly on the second day):- recognising type
- Bug's Life video
- Apollo 13 video
- real life case studies
- dynamics of type
- shadow and stress behaviours
- influencing strategies by preference
- advanced strategies for each type
- real life case studies
- practice at presentations 'out of preferred style'
- personal action planning and review
If you would like a Myers Briggs workshop then please contact us (please note we are based in the UK).
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