Project Management Training: The Forgotten Skills
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Project Management Training: The Forgotten Skills

Project Management Training - the forgotten skills

This is a supplementary article to Project Management Training: the Forgotten Skills. It includes a detailed list of skills that should be covered in each of the four skill areas

Skills for dealing with individuals

The types of skills project managers need for dealing with individuals include:

Skills for dealing with small teams

The types of skills required for managing the core team include:

Dealing with Team Islands

The project manager needs to be able to:

Large projects/cultural change

The skills needed to develop a large project culture include:

Return to Project Management Training: the Forgotten Skills.

For organisations wishing to supplement their project management training with people skills development, we have a two-day workshop entitled "People in Project Environments". This course runs through a smorgasbord of techniques to cover the above areas, and is run for specific organisations only (ie: no open courses) for £4,950 (ex VAT).

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