Sales Training: Selling to J Preferences
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One skill that can be very helpful in selling is that of being able to retain control of the sales process without being seen to be in control. That means, primarily, having control over the environment (eg: where you meet, and being able to meet all the key decision-makers).
It can also be helpful if you set the agenda, but this isn’t always the case. If you have control over the environment, you don’t need so much control over the agenda, you can retain your influence in more subtle ways. This enables you to adapt your involvement in the agenda/process to suit the preferences of the people you are dealing with.
You can recognise preferences for J (an organised lifestyle) by looking for the following characteristics:
- defines boundaries and establishes closure
- establishes a structure to life
- organises people and/or things
- tends to take a firm approach
- seeks to control self and others
- plans work, andthen follows the plan
- makes decisions quicklyand then sticks to them
- prefers to meet deadlines with time to spare
- prefers clarity to ambiguity
When selling to those with J preferences, then:
- Have a clear purpose for the meeting and an agenda that you have both agreed on
- Adhere to timescales
- Be predictable - if you need to introduce something radically different, give plenty of notice
- Keep track of where you are in the Agenda - don’t meander through the discussion
- Focus on reaching decisions and then moving on to the next subject. Don’t reopen subjects that have already been concluded.
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