Sales Training: Selling to P preferences
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When in sales meetings with people who have P preferences, they may be interested in acquiring new information and therefore give the impression of being adaptable to your agenda.
However, it is important to remember that the sales process should be focused on the customer, their needs and personality. You therefore need to be careful that you don’t drive the discussion away from the areas that are of most interest to them,. But neither do you want to force them to make decisions (eg: about the agenda) that they don’t want to make.
The types of characteristics that indicate preferences for P include:
- leaves things loosely defined and maintains openness
- takes life as it comes
- learns about or experiences people or things
- tends to take a flexible approach
- seeks to act spontaneously
- tackles work in a flexible or casual manner
- postpones decisions, or reviews them after they’re made
- leaves things untilthe last minute
- sees clarity as sometimes restrictive
The approach you could try using is:
- adapt to the Perceptive person’s agenda - don’t impose a formal agenda, but explore the subject
- if new information comes to light, be prepared to review decisions after they have been made
- allow the Perceptive person to meet deadlines by a last minute rush
- express tentative views, and be prepared to revisit decisions that have already been made
- when scheduling meetings, leave time free in your diary for the meeting to overrun.
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