Six Sigma Culture and Personality Part II
by Stephen Mathews
Six Sigma and Temperament
The Temperament theory introduced by Keirsey and Bates, and further developed by Linda Berens, is based on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. It divides personality types into four groups based on outwardly observable behaviours. Whilst originally applied to individual behaviours, temperament also acts as a lens to illuminate organizational culture and the focus brought to Six Sigma projects:
Practical and Structured Culture
General Focus is on policy, rules, procedures, protocol, schedules, systems, follow through, logistics, practical requirements and results, getting things done in accordance with the plan – short, medium and long term.
Creative and Empathetic Culture
General Focus is on human values, impact of actions on people, meaning, morale, harmony and cooperation, vision, inspiration, growth and development of the person and the company.
Tactical and Flexible Culture
General Focus is on tactics, needs of the moment, employing any available means to accomplish an end, using tools, immediate (sensory) information, and action.
Strategic and Analytical Culture
General Focus is on strategy, technology, abstract analysis, searching for patterns, developing hypotheses, logical systems, and change.
FIRO Elements
FIRO Elements are part of an overall approach to behavioural change known as The Human Element. The basis of this approach is that the first step to solving organisational and Leadership problems is self-understanding, based on three ways of meeting individual behavioural needs:- Inclusion behaviour is to do with achieving the right amount of contact with people.
- Control behaviour is to do with achieving the right amount of power and influence in relation to others.
- Openness behaviour is concerned with having the right amount of discussion of feelings and thoughts.
- Significance is to do with the feeling that people are important, meaningful, recognised or that they exist.
- Competence is to do with the feeling that people can cope, handle problems, make decisions or be self-sufficient.
- Likeability is to do with the feeling that people are warm, friendly and able to be confided in.
It can be very worthwhile, therefore, for leaders to develop a culture of trust so that energies are directed into positive, constructive work. It is a cycle, where we deal first we deal – to some extent – with our needs for Inclusion. Then we move on to dealing – again only to some extent – with our needs for influence and control. It is only after these areas have been dealt with that we begin to address our needs for openness, which is where trust develops. If we do not meet people's needs for inclusion and control, then it is almost certain that any trust we get will be of a very temporary nature.
In terms of continuous improvement processes, such as Six Sigma, Inclusion usually means Involving people, gaining their Involvement and then giving and receiving Commitment to what it is that we are trying to do (to some extent remember, it doesn't all happen at once). Then we need to think carefully about Empowerment. What does it mean to truly empower people? (As a definition try "Giving people the amount power to take the decisions that you are prepared to let them take"). How do we then Manage the process? If we then give appropriate Acknowledgement – what we did well as well as what we did badly – then we will start to build a culture of Trust. As trust builds people start to get more involved, become more committed, accept more empowerment…… other words the cycle continues and deeper levels of trust develop.
Applying the models
From the two models above, you can see that behaviour and culture can significantly affect the potential success of a Six Sigma project and the level of achievement. Without recognising and managing behaviours and cultures properly, time can be wasted, misunderstanding and frustrations rise, and energy be channelled into unproductive, defensive behaviours.These models can help facilitate the behavioural change required for successful Six Sigma projects, when used to:
- Agree a way of describing how we behave (Towards each other and towards ourselves)
- Understand blockages to change (Why we behave the way we do; The extent to which we can change)
- Make some better informed choices (To change; Not to change; The consequences)
- Create the environment for others to do the same
If you want more information, please contact Stephen Mathews.
(c) © 2004 Stephen Mathews. The Human Element is the trademark and copyright of Will Schutz Associates. You may link to this page, but not print or duplicate it in any form without written permission of the copyright holders.
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