Team Role FAQs: Problem Solving Sequence
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The MTR-i team role wheel can be used as a Problem Solving methodology. Whenever we have a problem to solve, we should go through each team role in turn, step by step?
Almost, but not quite.
The MTR-i problem solving methodology is a flexible one, combining the principles of adaptation and synchronisation. The most appropriate role is chosen and the team act on it together. This does not mean, however, that every role is appropriate for every circumstance.
For example, if the fire alarm sounds, most of the team jump straight to action (the Sculptor role) and evacuate the building. The fire marshall may use other roles (curator and conductor) in clarifying who was in the building and checking that all are accounted for. However, if the team were to respond to a fire alarm by going through the problem solving wheel - ie: getting the team to agree what the problem was, analysing the causes, etc. - they would be putting their lives at risk as the building may have burnt down before they come to a conclusion.
So, although each team role has a potential part to play in decision-making, it needs to be adapt appropriately to each different situation. That is, when the fire alarm goes off, certain roles, and only those roles, are used as appropriate to the situation.
Adaptation is the key word. If you were to use every team role to make every decision, you’d waste a lot of time unnecessarily. The process should be adapted to the type of problem you are facing.
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