The Mañana Complex occurs when the team underuses the Sculptor team role.
Healthy use
When used appropriately, the Sculptor team role is used to bring things to fruition by getting things done, and getting them done now! Sculptors are very action-oriented, dealing with whatever tasks the current situation presents, and spurring others into action as well. They make use of their experience and utilise tools or processes of which they already have knowledge. They try to have an immediate impact on things, injecting a sense of urgency, and aiming to achieve clear goals and tangible results.
Insufficient use
If the Sculptor team role is used insufficiently, however, and it becomes a 'No-Go-Area' for the team, then they may find it difficult to move forward to action, spending most of their time thinking about different ideas, trying alternative solutions or doing anything except the task that is directly in front of them. They not only fail to take action, but they may ignore present realities, respond too slowly to urgent matters and spend too much time discussing things rather than doing them. At extreme, they may miss 'the obvious' that is in front of their noses.
The complex is given the name "Mañana" because this is the Spanish word for 'tomorrow'. The team will move to action later, or tomorrow, but 'tomorrow never comes'.
Complexes can be very difficult to deal with. See our general page on Complexes for more information.
A good facilitator or consultant can help the team address the Mañana Complex in various ways, such as:
- Driving them to produce action plans based on SMART objectives, but allocating individual responsibilities for actions, including delivery dates
- Breaking long term projects down into short stages and establishing visible/measurable milestones for each stage
- Encouraging the team to make themselves accountable in the short to people outside the team, eg: by publishing their plans and milestones and/or establishing a steering board of stakeholders
Psychology Footnote
The Mañana Complex results from the team's rigidity in their avoidance of extraverted Sensing.
See all sixteen team complexes.
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