"Transform your teams with confidence"
The MTR-i methodology is the most guaranteed method of improving team performance, and turning your team into a High Performing Team, because:

It is based on the most robust team model available
The MTR-i model was derived from the personality theory of Carl Jung, the most widely used and researched theory of personality in the world
The performance of the MTR-i questionnaire was confirmed using Factor Analysis, one of the most rigorous statistical techniques available
It recognises that different teams need to behave in different ways to succeed
The operators in a nuclear power station have to go 'by the book'; designers in an advertising agency have to innovate. In the MTR-i methodology, each team is different and the behaviours required for optimum performance, or a 'High Performing Team', are different - unlike other team models that have a single formula for team success.
It is the only team model closely integrated with Team Performance Management
Performance Management is widely recognised as the most guaranteed technique for improving performance. The MTR-i methodology identifies what a "High Performing Team" looks like in your context, setting collective behavioural, measuring your current behaviours, and enabling the team to close the gap and monitor progress.
It is fully compatible with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®
It can be used alongside the MBTI® questionnaire to align team performance with individual fulfilment.
What is the MTR-i metholodogy?
The MTR-i methodology contains three easy-to-use techniques for managing improvement to team performance:
- Collective Competencies
- Behavioural styles
- Team BARS
Collective Competencies
Collective Competencies are different to the "teamwork" skills you find in most competency frameworks. The latter refer to individual skills in teamwork - but collective competencies can only be exhibited by a team together when interacting. The competencies in the MTR-i framework are based on research relating them to high team performance. You can use the CTCQ(TM) (Collective Team Competencies Questionnaire(TM)) to assess your team's collective skills and identify areas where improvement and collective learning is required. The questionnaire can be completed by the team as a self-appraisal, or by people outside the team as 360-feedback.Behavioural styles
The Behavioural Styles in the MTR-i methodology are based on Carl Jung's personality types - the same basis as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (they differ in that the MBTI indicates people's preferences, whereas the MTR-i indicates the roles actually being performed).In different situations, different behavioural styles will be more successful than others. In overview, the MTR-i approach involves undertaking a gap analysis between desired and actual team behaviours, and planning how to close that gap. Optionally, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator can also be used to understand how individual preferences may influence team behaviours.
You identify the types of behaviours that will lead to optimum success within your team using the ITPQ(TM) (Ideal Team Profile Questionnaire(TM)). The ITPQ indicates what a "high performing team" would look like in your context. You can then identify the current behaviours being used using the MTR-i(TM) (Management Team Roles - indicator(TM)). Having identified the gap, you can then plan actions to close the gap and monitor progress. The ITPQ can also be completed by people outside the team - eg: customers, senior management - to identify conflicting expectations there may be for the team's behaviour and performance.
For optimum team performance, you try to 'constellate' or align:
- what the business needs from the team to be successful (this can vary from team to team – for example, the behavioural style profile that will be most successful for a team running a nuclear power station is quite different to that of a team in a marketing consultancy seeking to win new business).
- how the individuals in the team prefer to behave
- the actual behaviours in which the team are engaged.
ITPQ – Ideal Team Profile Questionnaire
The ITPQ can be completed by team members and selected personnel outside the team. It asks respondents to identify the behavioural styles that they believe will lead to the best team performance.This questionnaire enables a comparison to be drawn between the team profile that the team see as likely to lead to success, and what the customers, stakeholders or others groups see as the most likely success profile.
MTR-i – Management Team Roles – indicator
The MTR-i is completed by team members only, and identifies the behavioural styles that they are adopting individually within the team. This also enables a current team profile to be produced by aggregation. It enables a gap analysis to be undertaken, comparing the ideal and current behavioural profiles.MBTI - Myers Briggs Type Indicator
The MBTI is completed by team members only, and identifies the behavioural styles that each individual prefers. It enables a comparison to be made between differing styles within the team so that any 'tensions' between differing viewpoints within the team can be managed constructively and productively for the benefit of team performance.The full process therefore requires the team to complete all 3 questionnaires - MBTI, MTR-i and ITPQ - totalling about 40 minutes. It also involves, optionally, one of the questionnaires (ITPQ) being completed by other key personnel who have some dealings with the team (eg: stakeholders, customers, peer/industry groups, and other management or staff in the organisation). The ITPQ only takes about 5 or 10 minutes to complete.
These questionnaires can be completed on a team workshop, or in advance using either online questionnaires or pre-prepared workbooks. Where 360-degree feedback is being sought (for the ITPQ and/or collective competencies) the team or team leader would need to identify those additional personnel who are to complete the questionnaires. The workbook materials contain instructions on how to complete the questionnaires.
For online administration, a report is produced automatically by the system. For paper completions, the materials need to be analysed - for which there is an administrators guide. A team appraisal can then be prepared that examines the relationship between ideal behaviours for success, behaviours being used in the team and the influence of individual preferences on both the team and individuals. Usually, such feedback includes:
An introduction to the differing behavioural styles in the model being used to underpin these questionnaires
ITPQ feedback, indicating the team profile most likely to lead to success. This will include feedback of the Ideal Team Profile results, comparing the views of the team with customers and other groupings. The output of this session would be an agreed 'ideal profile' for the team, that they believe will lead to optimum team performance and defines, for them, what a High Performing Team is.
MTR-i feedback, indicating the current team behavioural styles used (ie team roles). This includes individual results and an aggregated team profile.
Gap analysis, comparing the ITPQ and MTR-I results to show how the team needs to change in order to move closer to its high-performing goal. The team generate actions on how they can bring the ideal and current profiles into alignment.
MBTI feedback. If the team are new to the MBTI , four discussion exercises are normally used to illustrate the different viewpoints taken by those with different preferences.
Personal 'stretch' implications. This involves a comparison of personal preferences with actual behaviours, identifying how team members are having to "stretch" in order to enhance team performance, or how they can build on their strengths. Team members can undertake some individual planning, on how to be stretched more, or less, in order to improve team performance and achieve greater fulfilment in their own roles.
Team BARS (Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale)
A BARS is an established technique for measuring individual performance in a job. In the MTR-i methodology, BARS are used to a framework for measuring collective performance in specific areas for which the team has responsibility. Whilst collective competencies and behavioural styles are generic team odels, a team BARS is developed specifically for each team.Producing a Team BARS therefore involves creating a very detailed and specific list of behavioural measures for the team. This is a much more effort-intensive process than the above measures, and typically involves a team workshop of 1 to 1½ days just to draw up the Team BARS. Once developed, the BARS provides a measurement framework that can be used for both team self-appraisal and 360-feedback. If you are interested in using any of the above techniques for improving team performance in your team, then please contact us.
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